Step 7 - Rallying your Kampong
“It takes a village to raise a child” - An African proverb. It also takes a village to build a community. As you extend hospitality for a person in crisis, you should not do it alone. Your network of friends and family are an important access to support and even self-care.
Responsibility can be shared. As you learn to specify areas of support that are needed for a person-in-crisis, it gives your friends and family members the opportunity to extend them. They can be in your inner circle of support, and/or help with befriending, preparation of meals, job search, tuition (if your guest is still a student). There are many means of support.
Also, consider what supports your guest may already have access to. In some cases, your guest may have a social worker working with them, or may be supported by an NGO or government agency. Working with these partners can help increase clarity of the needs, and encourage a more collaborative/collective support from the community. Together, we can provide a far more holistic approach to care and re-building of the person-in-crisis.

Processing Questions:
These questions help us to consider other stakeholders we can include. Be open to those who have the capacity and willingness to help. Create schedules or lists that enable you to better engage them when necessary.
What are some of the specific supports you might need?
Who in your community is available to help?
How can you invite them to support you?